Friday, July 29, 2011

it never rains

it really pours.

I have TWO job offers I'm fully torn between
The tiles on the floor of the study have started to detach and... tent?  the upstairs neighbor, who works in construction and had to do this to his own floor (see earlier post - guess it wasn't Lady Click-Click's fault after all) says we need three or four full days, one for each step of the procedure.  And we're supposed to be hosting a guest (apart from my parents) in this room in a week and a half.  Of course the longer we wait the worse it gets...
my phone fell in the toilet today
The driver of the rental car we've arranged for wants to do some car-switching at the border to Togo.  Put him and the four passengers inside a bigger car with Togolese plates and driver to "avoid headaches" from the police.  I don't know if that's really necessary for a single night's stay.

I'm supposed to head to a BBQ with some local volunteers and young cool folks but I just feel so overwhelmed that I want to go to sleep.  When I tried to call the guy who helped us arrange the car, to see if this car-switching was normal, his phone's turned off.
The guards say it's totally normal but I don't know.  I'm going to a car rental place tomorrow (and call a few others) to see what they would recommend - and how much they'd charge.  I didn't commit to this driver, after all.

And then our internet is down every 5 minutes or so, for about half a minute.  Which is just annoying when I'm trying to, well, do ANYTHING.

I'm headed to this BBQ, because none of the other problems will get sorted tonight.

At least today I: went for a run, picked up my German certificate (273.5 of 300 ain't shabby!), bought fruit, picked up bagels for my parents' visit, paid the housekeeper, went cleaning-product shopping, talked over my job options with choir buddy and 15-year resident T, and got estimates/summaries for the driver and the floor.

very overwhelmed.


  1. Francesca, my dear niece.....and what job offers are they??

    Never raining, always pouring...seems to fit life in Africa.

    Look, I found a "frankly ghana" website.

  2. Both employers may be reading this, so I'll email you, Laura.

  3. Our guidebook says we can take a bus or cab to the border, walk across, then walk to the hotel (800 meters) or take a cab. And it does confirm that cars get hassled and sometimes searched at the border, like your driver says. Don't fret it - we'll work it out.
