Sunday, March 20, 2011

new house, next week!

The landlady called yesterday to let us know that the new house should be cleaned up and ready for us to move in on Monday.  She has a new tenant for the place we're in now who wants to move in Wednesday, though she's trying to negotiate for Thursday to buy us a bit more time.

It doesn't help that Jens has to be in work during the day and my German classes run Tuesday to Thursday evenings, so there's no time the two of us can do the moving together.  But it will work by each of us taking a few bags at a time.  With eight full and heavy suitcases, smaller trips are not always such a bad idea!  Also, I have the number of a taxi driver who helped me move stuff from B's place, where we kept it when we went back to Dublin for two weeks, and I'll ask him to help us out.

Yesterday we went to a bazaar at the "community school" in Accra.  Mostly we found things you see every day in the arts centre's market - beads, baskets, a few masks - but we also saw a couple of independent small businesses that were great to hear about, like a Ghanaian making good Italian pasta and a couple of artists, carpenters and antique sellers whose numbers we picked up for later.

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